Frequently Asked Questions

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How can I be sure my contribution actually protects the rainforest?

We offer full transparency: every subscriber can view their protected rainforest section in the digital rainforest explorer and receives regular updates and reports on conservation measures. In addition, we guarantee conservation success.

How does protecting rainforest support the fight against climate change?

By protecting the rainforest, we preserve vital CO₂ sinks that significantly reduce greenhouse gases and maintain biodiversity crucial for a stable climate.

How do you ensure protection on site, for example against illegal logging?

We work closely with the local communities and have employees on site. Residents of the neighboring communities, led by our forest engineer Angel, take care of protection on site. In addition, there are various measures such as regular patrols, the establishment of clearly recognizable property boundaries and, for example, a local nature conservation committee.

In addition to this: We bought the land, are landowners and taxpayers, which is respected and recognized in the local communities. The incessant loss of nature is also a concern for local residents and our work is appreciated by the residents and authorities. In addition, as the legal owner of the rainforest, we are independent and not dependent on shaky agreements with authorities and actual landowners (which is too often the reason for failed projects). Peru is a mining and agricultural nation: on the one hand, this leads to immense destruction of nature, but on the other hand, the rule of law in relation to land ownership and legal and police enforcement functions comparably well to that in Germany.

Thanks to AI-supported satellite monitoring and regular status reports, we and you can track the success of our local measures and also from Germany with a high degree of accuracy. We are currently planning further AI-supported measures such as audio and video recordings and evaluations.

The right incentive: We provide such a high level of transparency to all our customers and the legally binding promise that nature conservation will be successful that we have to keep these promises. This sounds banal, but is unfortunately a major exception among nature conservation organizations, which has led to many sad stories and news items.

Who is the (legal) owner of the forest?

We, Fund The Planet with the Munich-based company Green Token GmbH, have become the sole legal owner of the rainforest through the purchase. Here are the ownership documents.

We need your support to save more rainforest by buying the land from private organizations. This is the most effective way to protect the ecosystem and support local communities at the same time.

Can I cancel my subscription anytime?

Of course! Your impact. Your decision. You can cancel your subscription any time you like.

Just go to and login in with your email address. Then it's just one click.

Why a subscription plan?

A subscription to Fund The Planet enables effective and long-term nature conservation. By making regular contributions, we can protect the rainforest in the long term, plan long-term projects and use resources efficiently.

The subscription model ensures transparency by allowing subscribers to track their contribution at any time. It offers flexibility so that everyone can contribute to the protection of nature according to their financial means. In this way, every subscriber becomes part of a global community that actively contributes to the preservation of important ecosystems.

Together we can sustainably protect and preserve our planet.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

Upon cancellation, your regular payment stops, your personal rainforest area will be open to be protected by another subscriber.

With contributions of all subscribers we are able to save more and more land step by step.

Can I choose the size of the rainforest section I want to protect?

Yes, our subscription model is flexible. You can choose between different products for your contribution and thus determine the size of the protected rainforest section.

Can I also rescue forests with you that are elsewhere in the world?

This is not possible at the moment. We chose the Amazon because virgin forest there is acutely endangered and saving it is very cost-effective. Thus, one can make an insanely large contribution to nature and the climate very efficiently. In contrast, there is hardly any primeval forest left in for example Germany, and fortunately most of it is already in safe nature reserves.

How is Fund The Planet different from other environmental organizations?

We combine direct action with complete transparency and traceability. Our focus is on effectively protecting rainforests by purchasing and permanently preserving forest areas.

Can I get a donation receipt?

No, we currently do not take donations. But you will get an official invoice.

At Fund The Planet, we have deliberately chosen a different approach: Sustainability as a service. Donations would not be earmarked. With our support, on the other hand, you can ensure that a unique piece of rainforest remains untouched. We guarantee and ensure conservation success.

Rainforest? Priceless!

Help us to Make Rainforest Untouchable and start Protecting Rainforest now!